© Maya Hayuk

Wynwood Business Improvement District Installs Board of Directors Members

National Real Estate Professional Jonathon Yormak of East End Capital is Added to the Board
Joseph Furst, David Lombardi, and David Polinsky are Reinstated

Miami, FL (October 27, 2015) – The Wynwood Business Improvement District (BID) today installed national real estate industry professional Jonathon Yormak, co-founder and managing principal of East End Capital, as the newest member of its Board of Directors. In addition, three current board members were reinstated for an additional two-year term, including: David Lombardi, David Polinsky and Board Chair Joseph (Joe) Furst. They join Albert Garcia, Eli Mitrani, and Irv Lerner to form the seven-member Board that sets the direction for the BID, a municipal board of the City of Miami whose goal is to enhance security and sanitation services in the neighborhood, raise awareness of advancements in the area, and plan for the future of Wynwood.

As co-founder and managing principal of East End Capital, Yormak leads the national real estate investment firm, with a portfolio of 2.25 million square feet of office, retail and apartments; and over 1 million square feet of development rights, in New York City and Miami. His firm owns several properties in Wynwood and is currently developing the Wynwood Arcade, with additional plans in the pipeline.

“We’re pleased to have Jonathon Yormak join our board,” said Tom Curitore, Executive Director of the Wynwood BID. “He brings a depth of real estate expertise and knowledge about what makes a neighborhood flourish to support the BID’s efforts to continue to make Wynwood a vibrant center for art, innovation, education and entertainment.”

Since its creation in 2013, the Wynwood BID has worked to elevate the quality of life at the street level, as well as improve communications about the area with a thorough rebranding and the creation of the Wynwood map and guide. Recently, the BID successfully lead the effort to create a Neighborhood Revitalization District (NRD) Plan. The NRD plan is a set of zoning regulations that encourage mixed-use residential and office developments, create funding for neighborhood improvements, promote pedestrian-friendliness and safeguard the artistic and industrial character of the area.


About the Wynwood Business Improvement District (BID)

To preserve and further the neighborhood’s progress, the Wynwood Business Improvement District (BID) was formed in 2013 as a municipal board of the City of Miami government. BID property owners comprise its Board of Directors and represent hundreds of property owners throughout the 50-city block community. The BID works to enhance security and sanitation services in the neighborhood, raise awareness of advancements in the area, and plan for the future of Wynwood.

Wynwood Business Improvement District Installs  Board of Directors Members