© Maya Hayuk

Time Out Names Wynwood Top 50 Global Destination

Visitors enjoy one of many Wynwood art installations

Global travel and entertainment site, Time Out recently named Wynwood, Miami one of the 50 coolest neighborhoods around the world. Wynwood makes the list at #33 and is the only Florida location to be named. It is also one of only seven U.S. locations to be given the designation.

The international list features “up and coming areas in top cities” and was created through a survey of more than 15,000 people. The article cites Wynwood’s “evolution from shabby warehouse district to a vibrant artists’ community, marked by sidewalk poetry, street performers and endless graffiti.” In addition to its world-renowned street art, the article notes Wynwood is “home to the city’s brightest chefs, designers, mixologists and the like all showcasing their talents in the flourishing ’hood.”

To see the full list, click here.

Time Out Names Wynwood Top 50 Global Destination