Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC) Meeting
The Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC) will be holding a virtual meeting on Wednesday, August 26th at 9:30am with committee members and City of Miami staff participating via video conference. It will be broadcasted live for members of the public to view at the City of Miami’s website, YouTube, and channel 77 (Comcast only for residents living in the City of Miami).
Public Comment:
Members of the public can leave prerecorded public comment by calling 305-250-5352. The deadline to submit prerecorded phone messages is August 25, 2020 by 5:00pm. Public comment via an online comment form may be submitted until the chairperson closes public comment for the virtual meeting. All public comments shall be made part of the public record. Please visit www.miamigov.com/virtualboards for detailed information and instructions on how to provide public comment using any of the previously mentioned options.
The purpose of the Wynwood Design Review Committee (WDRC) is to review and recommend to the Director of Planning and Zoning and the Urban Development Review Board (UDRB), pursuant to the NRD-1 and Miami 21, whether the design of developments and/or improvements to properties within the boundaries of the NRD-1 are compatible with the cultural and architectural character of the Wynwood Arts District and guidelines that may be adopted from time to time.
For more info on WDRC requirements, visit the City of Miami Planning and Zoning website at http://www.miamigov.com/planning/WDRC.html.