Optimizing the Use of Technology in Condominiums
“Optimizing the Use of Technology in Condominiums” is a panel discussion for condominium board members slated to take place October 17th at the offices of Haber Law in Wynwood (251 NW 23 Street Miami, FL 33127). The evening begins at 6:00 p.m. with registration and networking, followed by a panel discussion at 6:30 p.m., culminating with a wrap-up and dessert at 8:00 p.m. The evening’s expert panelists include Jonathan Goldstein, Esq. (Haber Law), Mike Gibaldo (Brickell Energy), Jeff Ulm (Bank of Ozarks), Carlos Guzman (ONR Online Voting), Ben Launerts (Reef Parking), and Justin Mila (Hotwire Communications). The panel will be moderated by Tim O’Keefe of KW Property Management and Consulting. Light fare will be provided. This panel is for condominium board members exclusively.
Registration is required at www.kwpmc.com/events or by calling Bill Mathisen (KW Property Management and Consulting) at 786-218-5639.