Development Projects

LYNQ Wynwood/ WYN ON 5th NORTH

WYN ON 5TH NORTH is an eight (8) story mixed-use office building proposed as a joint venture joint venture between RAL Development Services LLC and Tricap with a total floor area of 260,265 square feet. The Project’s development program includes 106,414 square feet of leasable Class A office space on seven (7) Stories above 6,961 square feet of ground floor commercial/retail space along three highly activated frontages – a principal frontage on NW 5th Avenue (NRD-1 Corridor) and two (2) secondary frontages on NW 28th Street and NW 27th Street. The Project proposes an activated Roof Terrace, supported by 2,723 square feet of enclosed habitable space the provides amenities for the office tenants, complemented by inviting and accessible outdoor space. The Project provides a total of 268 parking spaces.

Status: Pre-Construction

Retail Space: 6,961 square feet

Office Space:  106,414 square feet

Projected Completion: TBD