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Quore Gelato

Our team traveled to Italy with one of the world’s most notorious gelatiers, Malcolm Stogo, to get the best gelato flavors Italy could offer.  We wanted to create a romance between the world’s two best adult treats, liquor & gelato. We decided to import some of the top gelato flavors to Miami and bring a never before seen bar experience to South Florida.​

Therefore we developed the most delicate gelato to match the smooth taste of world-class liquors.

We were passionate about the high-end liquor industry but wanted to bring nostalgia and desire to the taste of alcohol.
So we called in some of the best mixologists in the United States to combine our gelato and created a concept that would make every 21+ bar look & feel familiar.

In the end, we realized that we had developed the perfect love story between gelato and liquor.

A love story like never before experienced.