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Enrique Tomas - Miami

The Spanish ham/jamón is synonymous with gastronomy, pleasure, Iberian breed and especially SPAIN. At Enrique Tomás we have loved ham for 40 years and we want it to be an act of pleasure for everyone, from the moment they buy it to the moment they consume it. The real Spanish jamón/ham comes to the USA from the hand of Enrique Tomás, from our e-commerce, for you. You will see all the types and qualities within your reach without emptying your pocket. Finally, you will be able to taste the authentic Jamón/ham Serrano or the Jamón/ham ibérico (Iberian ham). If you want to buy ham/jamón, it is now just a click away, so that it can reach you anywhere, in any state of the USA, including the Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

In our stores we love to know what the needs and tastes of our customers are. As there is a color for every taste, and a dress for every occasion there is a ham and a format for every diner, for every pocket and for any time of the day. Working with a product so delicious and at the same time exclusive to our culinary culture makes us proud and encourages us to continue pursuing the dream of bringing it to everyone. Of course, with the seal of our maximum guarantee of quality and safety for our customers, wherever they live.